Have you ever been in a situation when you have been praying so hard and so long about something but somehow despite doing everything humanly possible, you still fall short and the doors appear to be closing on your face at the last minute, every time?
Ye-ea-ah... been there. It is a crappy experience. These are the times when we tend to ask God why? What did we do wrong? When did we make a wrong turn? What should I have doe better?
Over the years I have realised that when this happens, there are only 2 reasons, the first one is it is not the right time and the second, and this is going to hurt a little more, it is not for you.
The first one, is a little easier to accept. It is because we are not ready. It is either we lack the necessary preparation, the skills have not been developed enough, we are not mentally prepared or the people around us are not ready for what we are praying for, and receiving what we are asking for at this time will most likely do more harm than good.
The second, is more painful because it is difficult to accept that what we want the most, what we have worked so hard to achieve is NOT FOR US, and most of the time this the case when God has been telling us a long time ago to stop thinking about it, but we refuse to listen. It is not that God was not listening to us, but that he was listening intently and he already gave an answer days, weeks, months, years some even decades ago, but we refused to listen to the Answer
Psalm 44:21 says "Would not God find this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart." God know more than we do and he knows what's best for us. When this realisation finally dawns on you, then you can move on, and guess what? What he has prepared for yours better than the one you have been asking for and it is specially made for you, tailor made for you and will fit no one else but you!
Ephesians 3:20 days "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."
When God Answers your prayer with "you are not ready" go ahead and pray some where and do everything you can to get ready. But when he answers your prayer with a resounding "NO." Acknowledge it. Move on. Listen to what follows the "no" because it always has a "but I have something better for you." And guess what? That something better? It is something that we never thought we always wanted and needed in our lives.
Take heart for God's love will never fail us.
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